Sunday 15 May 2016

Arrow Series love it hate it

I have been watching the Arrow series since it began and while like any series it has it's ups and downs.  For me for the most part I love it.
It has some of the most awesome special effects and stunts and even if some of the story lines and plots sometimes don't make sense or seem, well waffly, we have to realise that it is based on comic book characters from the DC Universe.  One also has to realise the era they were written in and what was happening at the time and what imaginations these people had.
Now in this era of the computer we can manipulate amazing ideas and put them on the big screen.
Now I know there are some not into the Olicity story lines and that is ok, but does it really matter? In the big scheme of things I love what this series is bringing to life, the pure escapism of it all, to be absorbed by a series that is visually tantilizing and to think how they have blended computer generation with, stunt masters and amazing actors is artistically incredible.
The details and the fine ones are that are very important and I have to say it is all cut together almost seamlessly.

Series one was a brilliant introduction to the characters, plots and ideas of the comics from a realistic perspective. To bring the initial ideas of origin, stranded on Lian yu after the Queen's Gambit goes down, getting the list of his dad, too his return home.  All brilliantly portrayed with such visual backgrounds and well acted characters.
I think sometimes people truly forget what goes on behind the scenes to bring all the elements together seamlessly just to create on scene netherlone the entire hour of the program.  There seems to be no respect from the haters as to what effort, time and money are required to create this show week after week and would rather try and bring the entire thing down.
I think maybe these persons need to spend the time those involved in the show do to create one episode and maybe then they would have a new found appreciation for the show, or maybe not, who knows.   Well if they can  do better then go for it, at the end of the day we have a stayer, this show is now in it's 4th and going on to it's 5th season and that is clearly for a good reason.

I am enjoying it regardless of what others think we are, after all, entitled to our own opinions and we all don't have to like the same things, so if you really don't like it then don't watch it simple.  Go read the comics again and enjoy them.
Time to get off the channel then and find something else to like life is way too short for constant hate and besides it can be too darn exhausting.

I will keep watching no matter what others think.
So thank you all for bringing the DC comics to life keep it up.
Until next time and after I finish watching season 4 :) take care all and read more DC and Marvel Comics even if it's just for the art.

So I have thought about this more too, in this day and age what is wrong with a bit of escapism.  To get away from the exhaustion of everyday life including to some our jobs.  Isn't it just great to come home and put your feet up with a cuppa or what ever you prefer put the TV on and watch Arrow?
Does it really matter how brilliant to some it is or how horrid it is to others?
What is wrong with having some hope in this world even if it is through this series?  Yeah sure some may not have a preference for the magical elements but I feel some forget this is based on comics is it not?
Ok so I am putting a lot of questions out there I know.  But I am here to make you ponder, make you look at this from different angles.  I am disappointed that our society seems to have not only lost it's moral compass but seemingly created a world of ever increasing hate.  I have seen the internet become a medium for the full explosion of this hate as it would appear people think that being behind the keyboard some how makes it ok.
Anyway I digress.  As I said I am putting a lot of questions out there and when we think of the past series based on comic book characters and how they were executed we have come a long way, particularly with the use of computers and they power they hold in their tiny processors.  I have seen computer generated images that you would swear blind were the real deal (of course I know Bruce Lee is dead.)  So the implementation of this medium into the Arrow series is practically seamless, not that I sit there going frame by frame looking for the input of such images.

So I guess for me it is the combination of all the elements that is why I am loving the series no matter what season it is.  But then I am an artist lol.